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The First Chinese scientist to win the International Power Semiconductor Pioneer Award

News came from the 27th International Annual Conference on Power Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits, the top academic annual conference in the field of power semiconductors held recently. Professor Chen Xingbi, a leader in China’s semiconductor power devices and an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, was criticized for his research on high-voltage power MOSFETs. For his outstanding contributions to theory and design, he won the highest honor awarded by the conference, the "International Power Semiconductor Pioneer Award" (ISPSD 2015 Pioneer Award), becoming the first scientist in the Asia-Pacific region to receive this honor.

In his acceptance speech, he used Beethoven's "Destiny" Symphony to say: "My experience of doing research is somewhat like Beethoven's Symphony No. 5. When we have a new idea and need to realize it, we always meet difficulties and challenges, like the fate knocking our door in the 1st movement of the symphony. Then, we struggled, investigated, studied, and argued, with crying and laughing in the heart. After lots of efforts, eventually, the barriers are overcome and we succeeded in one research. Tonight, it's like the 4th movement of the symphony for me. Sometimes, when we think back on the process of doing research, most of the barriers we met in the past now seem to be so simple, so easy to be solved, as if they were kidding us. Power devices and PIC's still have a lot of opportunities for all of us. So, this symphony will be played again and again for some people among you." Academician Chen Xingbi's speech showed The admirable scientific research spirit and character of the older generation of scientific workers are a great encouragement and encouragement to the young and middle-aged generation of scientific researchers, which resonated with hundreds of scientists from all over the world.

After receiving the award, Academician Chen Xingbi also shared his insights and perseverance in scientific research over the past decades.

Reporter: Congratulations to Academician Chen for becoming the first Chinese scientist to win the IEEEISPSD "Pioneer Award". When did you learn about this news? How did you feel at that time?

Academician Chen Xingbi (hereinafter referred to as Chen): Around February this year, Prof. Johnny K.O.Sin, chairman of the IEEEISPSD2015 conference, sent me an email, informing me of the news on behalf of the conference organizing committee.

Although this is an important award, I don't feel very happy or excited. I have always believed that the driving force of scientific research is curiosity about the unknown world, rather than survival, money and awards. I am very grateful to the conference organizing committee for their recognition. I will continue to work hard for my pure and infinite love for science.

Reporter: In your acceptance speech, you used Beethoven's "Destiny" Symphony to share your insights on scientific research. So how do you view the interests and difficulties in scientific research?

Chen: It’s hard to explain clearly what your interests are, maybe it’s just nature. If you look at the monkeys in the zoo and pick up a mirror, they will curiously look at it left and right. This is interest. As for human beings, I think curiosity is one of the greatest and noblest instincts of human beings. Many other majors are driven by interests, such as literature, music, painting, etc. This interest must come from the heart. Some people look very hard on the surface and put a book in front of them every day, but they are thinking about other things in their hearts. And some people are thinking about problems no matter whether they are eating, sleeping, or walking, and scientific research has become a natural and important part of their lives. Their learning and research effects are different. In a sense, scientific research work is similar to the "Symphony of Destiny". Real scientific research results require great efforts and overcoming many difficulties to obtain. Just like the first movement of the "Destiny" symphony, we struggle, pursue, study and argue, with both pain and joy in our hearts. Through unremitting efforts, we finally overcome various obstacles and achieve success in a certain research, just like the fourth movement of the "Destiny" symphony.

In a joyful occasion like an awards show, I did not touch on sad topics. In fact, I would also like to say that sadly, there are still many basic principles that people have not thought about or understood. For example, I had a patent. After I submitted it, I discovered that the turn-on time of the switch is very slow, which may take several minutes, which is almost an astronomical figure for semiconductor devices. After discovering the problem, I immediately simulated it, and the result was not as slow as I thought. But unfortunately, no one has discovered and questioned this problem. I think it would be very sad if no one calms down and solves the problem of basic principles.

Reporter: In the award speech at the conference, your invention, the composite buffer withstand voltage structure (superjunction MOS device), was specifically mentioned. Can you talk about the innovative significance and application of this invention?

Chen: Power devices are important because they can be used as switching devices in various power supplies. We hope that the withstand voltage is very high and the resistance is very small when turned on, but the actual situation of the power device is limited. There is a so-called silicon limit. The relevant theory is that the on-resistance per unit area of the device when it is turned on as a switch has a 2.5-power relationship with its withstand voltage when it is turned off. For example, the device we designed has a withstand voltage of 200V and a resistance of 1Ohm, which is tolerable. But if you want a withstand voltage of 500V, then under the same device area, the resistance during turn-on will become 10Ohm, which is much larger.

I have been doing research on power devices. Solving this problem is not entirely driven by interest, but driven by career. Some of the work I've done before is just "little trouble", which can reduce the resistance a little, but the effect is not obvious. Later, I did a lot of terminal technology theory, which inspired new ideas and made new device structures. In this way, the relationship between on-resistance and withstand voltage is no longer 2.5, but 1.3. (The award speech at the conference stated: In his U.S. patent (U.S. 5,216,275A), the relationship between the on-resistance and breakdown voltage of superjunction devices became for the first time. Compared with the traditional "silicon limit" A very attractive breakthrough.

After the super-junction MOS device was produced, it caused great repercussions in the academic and business circles. The U.S. patent for this invention has been cited more than 500 times worldwide. Its economic benefits are also very obvious, and famous foreign companies such as Infineon, STMicroelectronics, Fairchild, and Toshiba have all put into production. According to results from Yole Development, a market research company in the French semiconductor field, superjunction power devices will reach annual sales of US$1 billion in 2018 and are forecast to grow rapidly at a compound annual growth rate of 10.3%. Superjunction MOS devices are widely used, including computer power supplies, lighting power supplies, LCD TVs, photovoltaic inverters, and many types of power supplies such as medical, telecommunications, and industry.

Reporter: In your acceptance speech, you said, "There are still many opportunities waiting for us in power devices and power integrated circuits." What do you think of the development prospects of this field?

Chen: Integrated circuits laid the foundation for the electronic information age. Just like building a house, the network, cloud, etc. are all important, but the cornerstone is microelectronics. Everything from household appliances to national strategies such as energy and environment are inseparable from integrated circuits. Premier Li Keqiang proposed the "Internet". I think the second electronic revolution, in a narrow sense, is the Internet and everything that uses electricity.

On the big topic of "Internet Power", there are two important issues. One is how to discover new power generation methods, such as solar cells. The other is how to save electricity. What we do is to save electricity.

Reporter: As a scientist, you have won many awards; as a teacher, you have also cultivated many talents for China's microelectronics industry. In your mind, which of these two things occupies a more important position?

Chen: Seriously speaking, cultivating people should be more important. However, if you do not make your own contributions in scientific research, it will be difficult to cultivate outstanding talents. Teaching and scientific research are contradictory and unified. I remember taking "Semiconductor Physics" many years ago. My classmates often saw me holding a piece of paper the size of a cigarette box while giving lectures. Some people wonder if I have prepared lessons? In fact, I made full preparations and wrote thick lesson plans. Before teaching, I told my wife, and she helped me correct my pronunciation. We worked together to consider whether each example was accurate and to think about the best way to express each sentence. I condensed the thick book into a few small pieces of paper and memorized it in my heart, just to give the best lessons to the students.

Reporter: You once humorously proposed the educational concept of “treating students as enemies”. Can you share this concept with us?

Chen: In the 1980s, I studied abroad at Ohio University in the United States. What impressed me deeply was that the quantum physics test questions were very difficult. Although I was already an associate professor at the time and could still teach this course, I felt that the exam questions were very difficult. Later, my test scores were pretty good. Things like this made me realize that good teaching should allow students to encounter difficult problems and find ways to solve them. Only in this way can they develop their ability to solve problems independently, and then be able to discover problems on their own. In fact, doing scientific research and writing papers are also dealing with difficult problems. After experiencing difficult problems, their scientific research capabilities have been enhanced. This requires teachers to work very hard. They cannot copy other people's questions, and they must be able to "make things difficult for students." I remember that Chinese women’s hockey coach Jin Changbo advocated devilish training and led the team from a typical weak team to a world champion team in just three years. If Kim Chang-bok doesn't regard athletes as "enemies", they will have nothing to do if they encounter enemies. Therefore, it is the students' luck to encounter teachers who regard students as "enemies".

Reporter: Academician Chen, you have loved classical music since your college days, and famous songs such as the "Destiny" Symphony have accompanied you for many years. So, can you give some advice to current college students regarding the cultivation of art appreciation and humanistic qualities?

Chen: Here I would like to share a story about Einstein. His grades at the Zurich Institute of Technology were not good. After graduation, he worked as a tutor and a low-level clerk in the patent office. But it was during his seven years in the patent office that Einstein made the most important scientific achievement in his life. This story tells us that on the road of learning, we cannot have utilitarian thinking. For example, if you only want to get perfect marks in your major, and studying other things will bring your grades down, then you will never try. For another example, studying is to get a good diploma, find a good job, and get a high salary. These are undesirable. Therefore, I particularly advocate general education, which includes three aspects: first, moral education; second, literary and artistic influence, including literature, music, etc., and third, philosophy, to form a correct outlook on life and world. General education cannot produce talents that can be used immediately after graduation, but in the long run, his innovation and contribution may be much more outstanding. Harvard University has done a good job in general education and has trained many excellent people. What impressed me most was Professor Zhang Xu, who had worked in our school for more than 20 years. He graduated from Harvard. Although he was not engaged in semiconductor research, the materials he translated were very practical. This is a high level.

The survey shows that Jews read 64 books a year, while Chinese only read 4.39 books a year, including textbooks. Why the Jewish people have so many talented people has a lot to do with their love of reading and their good reading skills. Now, I often recommend students to read world famous books, including works by literary giants such as Shakespeare, Tolstoy, and Gogol, as well as biographies of scientists. I also give them music lessons when I have time, and I also try to find ways to improve their language expression skills.

Reporter: "The Preface to the Lanting Collection" says, "Look up at the vastness of the universe and look down at the prosperity of categories." How do you think young people should pursue the truth?

Chen: "Preface to the Lanting Collection" contains universal truths in the world. The universe is big and life is short. What is the purpose of life? I think a person who has made a little contribution to mankind is worthy of his life. Now you are still young and should work hard. Marx said, "Science is by no means a selfish pleasure. Those who are fortunate enough to be able to devote themselves to science should first use their knowledge to serve mankind." Being able to serve mankind with science in my short life is the value I pursue. We also hope that more young people will devote themselves to scientific research and become the backbone of scientific research development.

Reporter: This year marks the 70th anniversary of the victory of World War II. As a generation that has experienced broken mountains and rivers, how do you view the significance of “rejuvenating the country through science and education”?

Chen: It is absolutely correct to rejuvenate the country through science and education. Only when science and education are developed can the country be revitalized. Without scientific education, a country will fall behind, and those who fall behind will be beaten. Even without being beaten, we will degenerate into "primitives". Science and technology are the primary productive forces. Science and technology virtually promote the development of productive forces. No one can stop the wheel of history.

In the process of promoting the development of science and technology, I agree that the country as a whole has a macro plan, but specific scientific innovation, especially basic science, is difficult to plan. For example, Einstein, if someone could plan him to study the theory of relativity, that person would have won several Nobel Prizes. There should be a relatively relaxed environment, and each researcher should have a certain degree of freedom in scientific research.

Reporter: Most people your age are already living a very leisurely retirement life, but you have always been fighting on the front line of scientific research. As a scholar interested in scientific research, have you always enjoyed this kind of life?

Chen: Someone said to me, "You are suffering like this. You have to go to work without rest." I said, eating, drinking and having fun are not interesting. For example, the more you eat, the worse your health will be. I learned the advanced ways of playing mahjong when I was ten years old. But the interest of these things is limited, only the interest of science is unlimited. Once, I saw an interview about Yuan Longping. Someone said that Yuan Longping was so old and so successful that he should take a rest. Yuan Longping said that everyone has his or her own ambitions and interests. I agree with him very much. Others are interested in eating, drinking and having fun, but my interest is science. On the road of science, encountering difficulties and solving them is a kind of happiness.

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