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China's RFID Market Has Shifted from Blowout to Steady Growth

Judging from the development of China's RFID market, it mainly has the following four characteristics:

The overall market growth depends on == projects. RFID can develop rapidly in China, and == plays a decisive role in it. From the second-generation ID card project to student electronic ticket purchase, from municipal transportation to agricultural product tracking, from coal mine monitoring to dangerous goods management, and later to railway train management and Olympic applications, every project is inseparable from the planning of == implementation. The extensive support for RFID applications by == at all levels has enabled China's RFID market to grow rapidly. =='s support gives China an advantage that is unmatched by other countries.

However, from the perspective of the logistics and retail fields with the greatest growth potential for RFID applications, China's development is obviously lagging behind. On the one hand, there is no unified standard in the country, which makes companies mostly wait and see. Although they are actively planning to launch RFID projects, in specific There has been no substantial progress in implementation; on the other hand, the uncertainty caused by relatively high costs and imperfect related technologies also makes companies have doubts about promoting RFID. Although the == project has played a huge role in promoting the development of RFID in China, the lag in application in other fields has brought uncertainties to the subsequent promotion of RFID in China. As the == project gradually becomes saturated, if other industry fields If applications cannot be followed up in time, the RFID market will lose new growth points.

Certificate anti-counterfeiting and electronic payment are the main application areas. In 2007, the application of RFID in certificate anti-counterfeiting and electronic payment was close to 90%. Among them, certificate anti-counterfeiting mainly includes ID cards, electronic ticket purchase discount cards for college students, and various electronic tickets. In addition, the railway from Guangzhou to Shenzhen also adopted electronic tickets in 2007. The annual demand is about 25 million. It is expected to increase in the next few years and will play a role in other domestic short-distance passenger transportation railways. Demonstration effect. In terms of tickets, in 2007, the Beijing Olympic Games began to sell electronic tickets with RFID chips. It is estimated that there will be a market demand for nearly 10 million RFID electronic tickets throughout the Olympic Games. However, all electronic tickets for the Olympic Games are provided by Asia Pacific. The commission provides it free of charge, and its contribution to the growth of the RFID tag market is not obvious.

The mainstream status of high-frequency applications in the market will not change in the short term. Currently, China's RFID is mainly used in the 13.56MHz high-frequency band, and this situation will continue in the short term. First, high-frequency technology is mature and standards have been unified around the world, making high-frequency technology easy to be accepted by users when promoted; second, from the perspective of the main application environment of RFID in China, certificate anti-counterfeiting, access control and electronic payment It is the largest application market for RFID in China. These fields generally require a short working distance between RFID tags and readers. Data transmission relies on short-range inductive coupling. There is no need for long-distance electromagnetic wave transmission. It can be in the high frequency band of 13.56MHz. Complete reading and writing tasks. These two aspects have enabled the rapid expansion of RFID applications in high-frequency fields, thus driving the rapid growth of China's RFID market in the past two years. In terms of UHF applications, due to problems in standards, technology and cost, it has not developed rapidly in fields such as logistics and retail. This tepid situation will not fundamentally change in the next one or two years. Therefore, the application of RFID in the high-frequency field will continue to be concentrated.

The growth of the tag market is sluggish, and the reader and software/middleware markets are growing rapidly. In 2007, China's RFID tag market sales were 380 million pieces, with sales of 3.78 billion yuan. Compared with 2006, both sales and sales increased slightly. decline.

The main reason is that the shipment volume of second-generation ID cards in 2007 decreased by nearly 40 million compared with 2006. Because the price of second-generation ID cards is higher, although RFID applications in other fields have increased, it is still not enough to drive the overall market. Sales growth. From 2008 to 2009, affected by the maturity of the ID card market, RFID tags will continue to experience negative growth and reach the bottom in 2009. By 2010, the ID card market has matured, but with the continuous development of RFID tag electronic payment and applications in logistics, retail and other fields, China's RFID tag market will resume growth.

Compared with the previous rapid development of the tag market, the development of China's RFID readers and software/middleware is relatively lagging behind. With the continuous expansion and improvement of license and license anti-counterfeiting applications, the RFID reader market used in this field will develop rapidly in the future. The main driving force for the growth of China's RFID reader market in 2008 comes from second-generation ID cards, because as the ID card market continues to mature, more and more industries will need to be equipped with ID card reading and writing machines to complete their business needs. , the huge demand in the ID card reading and writing machine market will drive the overall growth of China's RFID reader market.

In addition, China's RFID software/middleware market will also maintain steady and rapid growth. As vertical applications in the industry continue to deepen, Chinese industries and enterprise users will not only continue to increase the use of RFID, but also begin to work hard on the RFID application chain. In addition to caring about costs, they also begin to emphasize complete solutions. , at the same time, many RFID manufacturers have begun to increase their efforts to promote the application of RFID overall solutions, such as developing solutions that bind RFID software and specific application software to meet the needs of industry vertical markets. Therefore, the gradual transition from trial to large-scale implementation by industry users will trigger growth in software/middleware.

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